vendredi 13 juillet 2007

The End of Alphabetical Order

(En francais ici)
I would like tospend more time on that subject one day. The observation: the raising generation (give it the letter you feel is the right one) was born and always lived with search engines (SE). Not so brand new idea, you would say... Right. The questions beyond : what did the SE change in the development, learning process and the they see the world. It is not an easy one. Any help or thoughts are so welcome.

The most evident impact of SE : with data bases (and later the google-istic universe of Internet), anyone under 20 never searched in a library folder, relying only on its knowledge of the alphabetical order. They never had to get to the "beaver" section, shelf 900.48, and take the 7 or so available books on the subject. Those books, only 10 to 15 years ago, use to represent the only available knowledge on the subject. Today, elementary school students can get much more information to realize (or copy) its exposé within 3 clicks.

How does this omnipresence of SE alterates the way they see and understand the world. I've a particular interest in the material consumption, therefore, I would like to dig how does a SE-borned organize its material world ? Its workplace ? How does s/he learn to classify objects ? Is he involved in collecting ? When she looses something, how does she looks for it ? Is he refering to the family's search engine : "Mom, have you seen my blue tshirt ?"

It's only a preleminary thought, I'll probably get back to it...

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